Working With Your Legal Department

“Does anyone know if this need legal review?” Too often, this is asked as an urgent project barrels toward its hard deadline. Collaborating with your legal team is a critical part of your role as a content designer. You and Legal have the same ultimate goal—making sure people understand what’s happening in-product and are informed about what choices to make. Establishing a good working relationship and trust with your legal team can ensure you get a seat at the table early in the process and make projects much more efficient, streamlined and clear for all users.

You will learn some best practices for

  • Creating a relationship with your legal team
  • Tracking the legal reviews of your team’s projects
  • Understanding what may need legal review
  • Negotiating word choices
  • Working within legal constraints

Location: Sessions Date: February 21, 2023 Time: 11:30 am - 12:15 pm Rachel Moorhead