Neil Perlin Neil Perlin

Neil is an internationally known consultant, strategist, trainer, and developer for online content in all forms from online help to mobile. Neil helps clients design content, select outputs, understand coding, and select and learn authoring tools. To do this, he brings decades of experience in tech comm using a wide range of formats and tools. He is Adobe Certified in RoboHelp, MadCap Certified in Flare and Mimic, and Viziapps Certified for the Viziapps Studio mobile app development platform. He is the author of several books on help authoring tools, including “Advanced Features of MadCap Flare 10” (plus 9 and 8) and a book about mobile app development for non-programmers, “Creating Mobile Apps Without Coding.” Neil was the STC’s lead representative to the WorldWide Web Consortium for four years in the 2000s. He writes columns and articles for STC’s Intercom and is a popular speaker at various industry conferences. He is the founder and manager of the Bleeding Edge session at the STC summit. Contact him at [email protected].

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